The Third Part of the “CPEC 10 years: Grassroot Level Impacts & Improvement on Socioeconomic Status of General Public in Pakistan” Series
2023-04-24 21:39

Faiza Naz

Gilgit Baltistan University

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is a regional connectivity structure between Pakistan and China to enhance their worldwide relationships. The improvement of transportation and infrastructure (road, train, and air), which allows for more frequent and free exchanges of people and goods, the promotion of understanding through academic, cultural, and regional knowledge, and higher volume of trade, business and job opportunities has boosted the economy of both countries. This essay will tend to highlight the major impacts and improvements in the social and economy of general people in Pakistan.
    The local community is being benefited monetarily from top-notch physical infrastructure and connectivity in terms of job opportunities, business opportunities, and accessibility to educational institutions. The Chinese government has been essential to Pakistan's economic growth over the years. Chinese officials launched the CPEC project, which is economically and socially benefitting both China and Pakistan, in an effort to strengthen the two countries' relations.
    The CPEC includes a number of industrial initiatives that benefit the local population's income. It also has a number of electric power plants that has improved Pakistan's industrial projects and then the country's general economic climate. By providing a suitable environment and simple access to many amenities of life, such as high-quality healthcare, access to city markets, and banking with affordable fare rates, CPEC will aid in eradicating poverty and boosting the economy. Many social & economical projects and trainings have been organized by the CPEC such as "Poverty alleviation training", "Emergency relief supplies for enhancing disaster preparedness capacity" and many more to bring the awareness among the local people and show them a pathway to improve the lifestyle.
    Villages, small cities, and remote areas are the center of infrastructure development under CPEC projects in order to support Pakistani-made goods like agricultural products. The locals have no trouble focusing on a particular China market. For instance, Gilgit Baltistan, a renowned region of Pakistan known for its fruit products, is now directly selling fresh fruits to Chinese consumers at fair prices thanks to the development of the CPEC. Direct access to large cities in particular will create affordable and quick transportation, creating significant income possibilities for the local community. Additionally, infrastructure improvement (karakoram highway) speed up entry to the market and reduce the cost and time of transportation, increasing local residents' income.
    Moreover, the majority-local population in Gwadar Port, Baluchistan Province, works in the fishing industry and are able to sell their goods internationally. Additionally, as Gwadar Port has developed, locals are able to establish rest stops, restaurants, shops, and workshops, which will increase their household's income.
    The creation of numerous employment chances is one of the most crucial aspects of CPEC projects for locals. Pakistan's government is currently implementing policies to invest in various economic sectors in an effort to boost demand for workers and resolve the country's unstable job ratio. The CPEC projects have given Pakistani citizens thousands of job possibilities, helping to tackle Pakistan's unemployment issue. After hiring, individuals received training to ensure they could perform to the best of their abilities locally. The government claimed that starting in June 2017, about 30,000 Pakistanis were employed under various CPEC schemes.
    In the health and education sector, CPEC is providing their basic services to the local people. From the storage of vaccines and transporting the equipment during COVID- 19 to upgradation of technical education and giving scholarship to the locals have proved that how this project has benefited the people to their grass root level.
    The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is important for the development of the area in terms of potential regional connectivity, a variety of investment opportunities, industrial and financial cooperation, agricultural cooperation, socioeconomic development, educational linkages, human resource development, increase in livelihood opportunities, and improved security & stability of the general people.